Optima Butterhead
Optima Butterhead lettuce is a popular variety of lettuce that is a great choice for vertical gardens for several reasons. Here are a few key reasons why you should consider growing Optima Butterhead in your vertical garden:
Compact size: Optima Butterhead lettuce has a compact size, which makes it an ideal choice for vertical gardens. Its smaller size means that it takes up less space and can be grown closer together than other varieties of lettuce.
Tender leaves: Optima Butterhead lettuce is known for its tender, flavorful leaves that are perfect for salads and sandwiches. Its soft texture also makes it a great choice for wraps and other dishes.
Easy to grow: Optima Butterhead lettuce is easy to grow, even for beginners. It can be grown in a variety of growing conditions, including in pots, containers, or hydroponic systems.
Quick to mature: Optima Butterhead lettuce matures quickly, typically within 50-60 days after planting. This means that you can enjoy fresh, home-grown lettuce in a relatively short amount of time.
Nutritious: Optima Butterhead lettuce is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. It is also low in calories and high in fiber, making it a healthy addition to any diet.
- Growing Season: Year Round (in mild climates)
- Harvest Method: Grazing method, cut and come again, start harvesting as soon as there are 5 mature leaves (4-5" long)
- First Harvest: 2-4 weeks from initial planting (2 weeks during peak growing seasons, 4 weeks during cold winter months)
- Final Harvest: 5-8 weeks
- Best Planted Wall Placement: Any level
We grow with the seasons! So in most climates, you will be able to grow year round. Typically most lettuce can handle the cooler temperatures and tend to look for the shade in the hotter temperatures.
You want to be aware of the extreme temperature ranges in your region. If you follow the guidelines below, you will be safe:
- If you live in a location where the temperatures dip below freezing, then you will want to wait until night temperatures are in the 40's consistently.
- On the occasional dips into the 30's, you can cover with a sheet or bring them indoors for that time period. The breeze is good for plants and helps to keep bugs at bay so growing outdoors is optimal.
- If you live where it reaches above 90 degrees consistently, you'll want to grow heat tolerant fruiting plants (tomatoes and peppers) and herbs (basil, mint, rosemary) primarily.
To find out what extreme temperatures your location experiences, check out the USDA zone for your region.
We always ship our organic seedlings at their peak for transplant which means they can be held before shipping. We typically ship plants according to the following schedule:
CA - ship Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
US states outside of CA - ship Mondays and Tuesdays.
Outside of US - we do not currently ship outside of the US.
For more information, refer to our shipping policy.
Don't worry we tend to over-communicate the details when it comes to logistics. You'll know when orders (both seedlings and other garden products) are shipped.
No Time to Plant? Add our Planting Service! Here's How it Works
Choose What to Grow
Choose seedlings from our organic seedling shop and add the planting service by adding Planted Produce to the cart.
We Plant & Ship
We plant the seedlings for you using fresh organic soil & organic nutrients, package them with loving care and ship direct to your home.
Arrives Ready to Grow
Open the box and slip your plants into the Planted Wall or container planters in your patio garden. Start harvesting in 3 weeks!