Crookneck Squash
Crookneck squash is a type of summer squash that is known for its distinctive shape and flavor. What sets it apart from other types of squash is its unique crooked neck and bulbous end, which gives it a distinctive appearance.
In terms of flavor, Crookneck squash is slightly sweeter and more buttery than other types of summer squash, such as zucchini or pattypan squash. It has a tender and delicate texture when cooked, which makes it a great choice for grilling, roasting, sautéing, or adding to soups and stews.
Crookneck squash is also a great source of nutrients. It is low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help to protect against chronic diseases and promote overall health and wellbeing.
Another difference between Crookneck squash and other types of squash is its growing season. It is typically harvested in the summer months and has a relatively short growing season compared to winter squash varieties.
Overall, Crookneck squash is a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal. Its unique shape and flavor, combined with its health benefits and versatility in the kitchen, make it a great choice for both experienced and novice cooks alike.
- Growing Season: Most fruiting plants have their peak growing season starting in Spring and extending through Fall. They need the warm days and nights to produce fruit.
- Harvest Method: As soon as the plant bears the fruit, harvesting can begin and will continue through the season. Most fruiting plants grow through a season and then are done.
- First Harvest: Fruiting plants take longer to bear fruit and can take 2-3 months to get to a harvesting stage.
- Final Harvest: Occurs at the end of summer and into early Fall for most climates. Some plants, such as strawberries will become dormant in Winter and then pop back into action in the Spring.
- Best Planted Wall Placement: Fruiting plants, like micro-tomatoes and jalapenos, that are smaller can grow on the Planted Wall. Place micro-tomatoes and jalapenos that grow in the Planted Wall near the top so you can maximize sun and warmth during the Summer. Larger fruiting plants are intended to be grown in larger grow pots (i.e. 15 gallon pots)
Most fruiting plants prefer warmer temperatures and will be dormant or grow very slowly in mild winter climates.
You want to be aware of the extreme temperature ranges in your region. If you follow the guidelines below, you will be safe:
- If you live in a location where the temperatures dip below freezing, then you will want to wait to grow fruiting plants until night temperatures are in the 50's consistently.
- If you live where it reaches above 90 degrees consistently, you'll want to grow heat tolerant fruiting plants (tomatoes and peppers) and herbs (basil, mint, rosemary) primarily.
To find out what extreme temperatures your location experiences, check out the USDA zone for your region.
We always ship our organic seedlings at their peak for transplant which means they can be held before shipping. We typically ship plants according to the following schedule:
CA - ship Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
US states outside of CA - ship Mondays and Tuesdays.
Outside of US - we do not currently ship outside of the US.
For more information, refer to our shipping policy.
Don't worry we tend to over-communicate the details when it comes to logistics. You'll know when orders (both seedlings and other garden products) are shipped.